I think all the excitement of me going into labor & spending the week in Nashville left Wesley feeling a little deprived of attention. Saturday evening he came out of his room, where he had been watching a movie, and something looked different about him. I looked close & realized he had cut a chunk out of his hair in the front. Needless to say, I wasn't happy with him. Anthony & I decided his punishment would be that he would have to pay for his next haircut (he had just had one maybe two weeks ago) & he would have to wear it to school like that for the next week. Case closed.... or not. Sunday afternoon I woke up from my nap on the couch & looked up to see that he had chopped off all his bangs to within 1/4 inch of his scalp. I was irrate! I was like, "Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday? WHAT were you thinking?!" He said, "I was trying to fix it." So, his punishment remained the same & in addition, he is no longer allowed to use scissors & he got a little something else for his antics.
Since I know that this whole fiasco would be hilarious to me if it were anyone else's child, I decided to share. Enjoy...
I didn't get a shot of when he had just cut a chunk out of his hair, but here's what it looked like after the second round of hair cutting (you can see from that little piece on the right how long his bangs used to be before he scalped himself)...
And what he looked like after I buzzed his hair off Tuesday night (because they had picture day Wednesday - if only he had waited a week to chop off his hair)...
This seriously made me laugh outloud! :) the buzz cut is cute.
Something for me to look forward to one day!
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