Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"To A Child Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E"

I happened upon this blog post with a list of 40 ways to show your child love. I wanted to share her intro & a few from the list that I want to do with Ella & Wesley in the next month.

"Displayed on a shelf in the entry way of my mother’s home is a book entitled To A Child Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E. I have often thought about that statement and how much truth it holds. It’s easy for us to say “I love you” but those three words, devoid of action and the gift of our quality time, are simply that—just words." -- Candace from The Mother Huddle blog
  1. Send them a handmade card in the mail with a coupon to go get ice cream with you.
  2. Play a game with them.
  3. Let them win.
  4. Kidnap them from school and take them out for lunch.
  5. Go to the store and let them pick out all the ingredients to make banana splits. Make and eat them together.
  6. Read “I love you” books together.


Unknown said...

Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article

Vertie Martin said...

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